Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday, January 31st, 2011

Global News
Bombing Strike in Pakistan
The New York Times

In northwestern Pakistan in Islambad, at lead six people were killed by two bombs that according to officials, were targeted at security officers. According to an official that was involved with the bomb disposal, the bomb was extremely complex and well constructed; by someone with an experience. The first of two attacks was when a teenage suicide bomber attacked a police vehicle on the outskirts of the city. The second, just hours after the first attack was when " police official was killed and three others were wounded when a homemade bomb aimed at another police vehicle detonated." Fingers have been pointing at Taliban terrorists, but no official decision has been made with proof.


National News
Soda Pot
The New York Times

As marijuana was just legalized in California, businesses have begun to use this legalization to their advantage. For $10 to $15 per bottle, "Canna Cola" is now making a soda with 35 to 65 milligrams of pot in each 12 oz bottle. The mastermind behind this addicting beverage said that "There are a wide range of products available in this category, sometimes, you'll buy a cookie with just a laser-printed label that says 'Cookie' with no other information -- you don't know who made it! You won't find that with spaghetti sauce or pharmaceuticals. I thought about creating national branding for something that is fragmented and local." Don't get too excited, this soda will only be sold in states that legalized the drug. 

Local News
Peanut Butter Weed Time?
The Bergen Record

At Northern Valley High School in Demarest, New Jersey on Monday, January 24th, a suspicious package was delivered. Just as midterm exams were being passed around, all students were called to the opposite side of the school from where the package was being opened. A teacher said that there was nothing wrong with the package until she opened it and noticed a peculiar odor. Within moments, the students had been evacuated to a safe area, parents were notified of the scenario, and x-rays of the package were being examined. Turned out, it was a rebound package sent back to the school which was the address on the return label and in a peanut butter jar was weed. The police got rid of the substances and students went back to a delayed midterm examination schedule. 


Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday, January 24th, 2011

Global News
Moscow Airport Blast
The New York Times

On Monday afternoon in Moscow, Russia, an explosive bomb attack killed 31 people and left at least 150 people severely injured.The President, Dimitri Mendelev ordered to police to track down the person who set it off, because they saw this as an act of terrorism. The frightening blast took place at the Domodedovo Airoprt. Previous terrorist attacks on Russia have strengthened their government, specifically when a woman who confessed to bombing a subway posted a video on a website of her saying, "the war will come to your streets, and you will feel it in your own lives and on your own skin.”Investigators will continue to dissect the situation, trying to place their finger on the one who started this terror, as there is no certain accused.


National News
Attn: Mexican Truckers!
The New York Times

Money, money, money. America is currently in an economic depression and most people would admit that nay new type of job would be for the better. What if this job had a few threats? Recently, the Obama Administration has been focusing on the Mexican transportation within the united States. If these thoughts were to be put into action, drivers from Mexico would be permitted to cross the Texan border and travel freely within the United States. Well, not too freely. The restrictions would consist of frequent inspection of the vehicles, and "participating vehicles be equipped with electronic recording devices to allow monitoring of the drivers’ hours of service and compliance with American trucking laws." And do not worry, because if this idea does get put into action, the drivers will have will have their "American and Mexican driving records checked to ensure that they have no history of unsafe driving that would disqualify them under United States standards."


Local news
Healthy for Life
The New York Times

From swimming the entire length of the golden Gate Bridge with 150 pounds of supplies attached to him to a 9 and a half hour paddleboat trip, to his most recent public stunt in 1994 at the age of 80, "he celebrated his 80th birthday by getting handcuffed and shackled in order to fight strong winds and currents and swim 1.5 miles while towing 80 boats with 80 people from the Queensway Bay Bridge in the Long Beach Harbor to the Queen Mar",  Jack LaLanne has tackled some pretty hefty activities.  Jack died on January 23, 2011 at the age of 96, leaving behind a life filled with healthy foods and daily exercise.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2010

Global News
Haitian Dictator Returns
The New York Times

Overthrown in 1986, Jean-Claude Duvalier arrived in Mexico City, throwing a big "O" on hundred of faces. He said that he only came to the city to help Haiti because he was "moved by images of the first anniversary of the earthquake that devastated the country." This was not surprising to the city because he had "flirted with returning, telling reporters over the years that he would like to go home." No one had acted upon his return yet, but curious citizens and nervous government officials await action.


National News
Fishing Museum Is A Sign Of Waste
The New York Times

In Perry, Georgia, Go Fish Educational center is booming with visitors. Many citizens are not nearly as happy as those who pay taxes for this 'educational' museum. People say that it is not their responsibility to pay for others visits to a museum that is a 'sign of waste.' a. "In addition to the museum, lawmakers approved $5 million to widen 18 ramps on lakes across the state." This investment was not necessarily for the benefit of the doubt because people are still complaining that it was a different time when this was built and now, in these economic conditions, they can not afford it.


Local News
Martin Luther King Junior Day Celebrations
The Bergen Record

At the Garfield YMCA, an Englewood citizen painted murals and inspirational quotes on the walls of a workout room. "They were just a few of the 2,000 residents who participated in more than 40 projects statewide for the third annual Martin Luther King Day of Service for Jersey Cares, a nonprofit group." Along with this group, numerous organizations and individuals did good deeds and performed community service hours in order to honor the name of Martin Luther King Jr. From his "I have a dream" speech to the inspirational quotes painted on the YMCA walls, Martin Luther King Jr. will forever live on in history. 


Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Global News:
Paris Phone Scandal
The New York Times

In Paris, the public transport system has been facing a dramatic increase of robberies by 40%. A government official who blames it on the "I-phone effect", Brice Hortefeux. Métro thieves seem to look for smart-phones in particular and this has brought up the violence ratings in Paris. In November, there were " 2,813 objects reported stolen on Paris regional transit, 1,395 were cellphones, nearly 50 percent of the total, and of those, 64 percent were smart-phones." Instead of guns, people typically use knvies and "robbers tend to work in small groups, so that a stolen phone can be quickly passed to someone else to prevent an easy chase." Security camera's will increase and laws are trying to be passed to stop cell phone use after theft has been declared.


National News:
Outlandish Behavior
The New York Times

Jared L. Loughner was a student in Ben McGahee's basic Algebra class in a local community college when his professor became concerned about the safety of his students. Jared “would laugh a lot at inappropriate times, and a lot of the comments he made had no relevance to the discussion topic.” He went "from being a young man whom acquaintances described as odd, he became the sole suspect in the (a) shooting." They do not know if this is from a troubles life, seeking attention, or a threat to his peers. As he began to study the extremist philosophies, his relationships with friends and peers began to unravel. Police are further ivestigating what his purpose is with this outlandish behavior and a family friend said, "It just seems so out of character for the Jared I grew up with." 


Local News:
Seeking Replenishment
The New York Times

In New York, a kabbalah teacher by the name of Ken Nunoo has come up with the formular for 'mind', Mind = Square root of (sound squared + light squared).” People pay $100 - $1,000 to get their 'soul's cleansed.' The process of cleansing began with deep breaths, sipping of holy waters, lighting a piece of paper of what one wanted to leave behind from 2010 on fire, then concluded with the lighting of a candle which symbolized the new year. Outside of ones home, Ken burns herbs from around the world to use their "mystical powers to attract, absorb or dispel negativity." Some people get the squeaky clean feeling from this 'cleansing', and some do not.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

all about ms. mcdonald

From Minnesota
Has a sense of sarcasm
English teacher for numerous years
Attended seton hall
Did not try to be in a sorority
Involved in a crime scene when her neighbor's car was stolen
Met her husband in college
Spent new years eve with mr. goodman
Not very good at history
Did not attend sleep away camp
Enjoys reading
Loves volleyball
Played volleyball in her adolescent years
Coaches volleyball
Loves shoes
Died her hair numerous times
Was made fun of in her younger years for her slim body
Not afraid to share opinion
Blonde hair

Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year to my one follower, Ms. McDonald! 

Global News
The New York Times
Haiti Kidnapping

An aid worker from America was released from a Haitian prison Port-au-Prince after being accused of kidnapping an infant from a hospital.
Paul Waggoner whom lived in Massachusetts was highly offenses by the false accusations but "will continue to help those that cannot help themselves." This shows his focused morals and he also said that the conditions at the prison were "horrific." Not only was he accused of kidnapping the child but also of trying to "sell his organs." 


National News
The New York Times
Call From Prison

In Atlanta Georgia, a prisionor was on facebook, playing farmville, and chatting with friends. But how? The guards in prisons have recently been accepting cash from prisoners for any item they would like. Is farmville harmful? These smartphone have been used for mischievous acts such as when one man tried to "organize a short strike among inmates." If these devices do not stop being smuggles, there will be severe strikes, and secret codes that cannot be tracked.


Local News
Bergen Record
Food Glorious Food

In Ho-ho-kus New Jersey, Chef Steve Christianson is building a new bring your own restaurant. Why is this so exciting? A new restaurant? Who cares? This reasturant will be innovative, have seasonal cooking, and will use organic ingredients only. If you have a good palate, look our for St. Eve's! 
