Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday, February 28th, 2011

Global News
The New York Times
Loss Of Last World War I Doughboy

At the astonishing age of 110, Frank Buckles passed away in his home town of Charles town, West Virginia. Although not involved in direct combat, he  became much like, "a national treasure as the last living link to the two million men who served in the American Expeditionary Forces in France in “the war to end all wars.”" From age 16 when he was inspired by propaganda to join the forces to the day of his death, Frank never forgot his time spent serving the war in France. Through interviews, videos, and lectures, Frank Buckles enlightened the world on what truly happened behind the scenes of World War I. The last veterans of the British and French dies just moths apart from 2008 to 2009, and Frank was the last known World War I doughboy whom lived a life of experience and celebration.


National News
The New York Times
Protection in Hospitals

At the Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York, Dr. Sclafani was extremely disappointed in his co-workers when he found out that premature babies were being over radiated during their simple X-rays. Doctors found that numerous Xx-rays had been run on premature babies who were in the wrong position, not covered by a gonadal shielding, and with levels of radiations that exceeded those appropriate for a baby. With mothers in despair and defenseless babies getting unnecessary radiation, the state laws are being considered to being tightened. “In my profession, there is very little room for error and no room for unqualified personnel,” said Dr. Steve Goetsch, a medical physicist in California who runs training programs in the field.


Local News
The New York Times
A New York Teachers Layoff List

On Sunday, February 27th, a decision was made that  4,675 teachers would be laid off in the state of New York. It will be decided who is to get laid off by the State Senate in a meeting soon to come. Physical education, art, and music teachers will be hit the hardest with these cuts as they are not 'core' subjects. One school in Harlem, New York is loosing 14 of its 20 teachers. Many teachers will be disappointed with the news, but it will spark a light in numerous young adults to change their career path for their potential benefit.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Monday, February 7th, 2011

Global News
App Can Not Replace Confession
The New York Times

From gaming, social networking, business, to religion, the iPhone application store has it all. Not long ago, the application "Confession: a Roman Catholic App" was developed by two priests, American entrepreneurs, and the blessing of a Bishop. Its purpose was to "both to revive interest in confession and to help Catholics prepare for the sacrament." This 'virtual priest' does not do the job of a 'real' priest because as Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman says, "“One cannot speak in any way of ‘confession by the iPhone." 


National News
White House Goes Healthy
The New York Times

First Lady Michelle Obama is working with the National Restaurant Association to, according to White House officials, "get restaurants to adopt her goals of smaller portions and children’s meals that include healthy offerings like carrots, apple slices and milk instead of French fries and soda." Although the NRA is not budging with changing their approach to service, since January 31, 2010 Michelle's "Let's Move!" campaign to stop child obesity has made much progress. Other efforts such as when her team worked with beverage makers to reveal the calories in each soda have succeeded as well. Although this one hurdle might take a little more effort to overcome, "“At the end of the day, this is about changing how we as a country look at food, the food industry will change when consumers change what they want, and she’s worked hard to help us look at food differently. Long term, that’s what’s important.”"


Local News
Wayne Disabled Students Exposed to Opportunities
The Bergen Record

In Wayne, New Jersey Disability Awareness Dat at the pre-l-5 schools shined a light of opportunity on youngsters. It was designed in ways that would create empathy and understanding of what it is like to try to accomplish tasks that are perceived as simple in a way that is challenging. Last year, a 12 year old student confided to his classmates that they were experiancing the kind of challenges he went through each day. The purpose of this day was not to make the disabled stand out from the non-disablesm but to let students understand one and other because, "if you can see why somebody is the way they are, you are much less likely to target them becuase of the way they are," said Karen Stack, a SPA leader.
