Thursday, September 9, 2010

EXTRA! EXTRA! The Death Of The Newspaper

On September 12, 2001 the New York Times printed an article titled 'Hijacked Jets Destroy Twin Towers and Hit Pentagon' written by  Serge Schmemann. Nine years later, in the basement of a local residents home, lies the New York Times story from that day. It is carefully placed in a box that is labeled 'Newspaper Articles for the grandchildren'. In that box is an assortment of morning coffee stained articles that will bring to life the vital historical events of the United States. But what if, in seven years another life-altering event is to take place? Will everyone- all ages, all socio-economic classes, all demographics- have access to breaking news? With the multiplying numbers of blogs, websites, and podcasts, we may be living in the extinction of print newspapers as we know it.

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