Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Global News
Death at a Stampede
The New York Times

The prime minister of Phnom Penh, Cambodia announces that more than 180 people died at a water festival. Then as the group was crossing a bridge, a person fell off the side, causing trauma. This festival marks the end of the rainy season, and the death of many others. Being that Cambodia is one of the poorest countries, it will be difficult for the doctors to deal with this wide-spread death.


National News

Two Arrests in Shooting Death of 5-Year-Old

The New York Times

A five year old child Aaron Shannon Jr. from Los Angeles was shot n the back of the head while posing in his Spiderman Halloween costume in his backyard. Two men have been arrested for this crime, and investigations have just begun. The families had no gang ties, so there was no particular reason for the shooting.

Local News
New Jersey Teen's Fatal Beating
The Bergen Record

A 17-year-old from New Brunswick New Jersey is currently under house arrest for public beating, underage drinking, and violation of curfew. Five people were charges for the death of a 49=year-old man while he was out on a walk with his family. Although these children are only under house arrest, they will face trial as adults. 



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