Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hello my name is...

As you shake hands and introduce yourself to the woman in the button down shirt with the 'Hello My Name Is...' sticker stuck to her pocket, have you ever wondered what the origin of her name was? Although I knew someone by the name of Suzan since I was three, we never were the closest friends, but after a simple assignment on 'getting to know more about your name' I had felt like I known her much more. Suzan, also known as Suzie-Q or Suzzie by her close family and friends says that she "sometimes feels like it is a name for an elderly." Ironicly, she was named after her great grandmother Sylvia, however, it has not affected her personality. When Suzan and I were discussing the meaning of her name, we had found out it was like a 'graceful lilly'. Not only does Suzan's name mean graceful lilly, but before she knew this she said that if she had the oppertunity to change her name, she would change it to Lilly.  As our conversation grew and we learned more about one another and Suzan said she hopes to name her children Clarissa, Gemma, Isabella, or Carter. Suzan will no longer just be a name, but the meaning behind it has added a whole new dimension to the meaning of my friend.

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