Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday, May 23rd, 2011

Global News
The New York Times
Twitter and the Amendments?

The issue of American rights and the internet comes into play when Twitter is planning on expanding to London. The United States government enforces the fact that Twitter is responsible for blurring certain things that disobey the law. No one knows what will happen but the social media operating in countries with vastly different laws will create an uprise as to what will happen with the Twitterverse. “When you sign up to most sites, you agree to terms and conditions that say you won’t use them to break the law,” she said. “The problem is that it’s all so difficult to enforce. Where would you begin?”


National News
The New York Times
Tornado Death Count Booming

In Joplin, Missouri, a major tornado from last Monday leaves the town in ruins. The tornado tore through the area, killing at east 90 people. Officials say they expect the death toll to climb. On behalf of the president, Nixon said "personally extend his condolences and to tell all of the families of Joplin affected by the severe tornadoes that they are in his thoughts and prayers." The Red Cross and many other organizations have been sending their efforts towards helping victims of the horrendous disaster.


Local News
The Bergen Record
Violent Car Accident in Hackensack

In Hackensack, New Jersey, a drunk driver drove and out-of-control car that broke a utility poke and plowed through a french with four other inside, leaving a passenger seriously injured. All four passengers were from Bergenfeild and were either 20 or 21 of age, Malvasia said. There were three passengers who went to the emergency room for immediate care and the other, in serious condition. No one can be charged for supplying the alcohol because they are unsure as to where they were coming from and where they were going.


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